Constructed Response

— Constructed Response

Assessments powered by Technology-Enhanced Items (TEIs).

Interactive and challenging tasks foster deeper engagement, elevate cognitive processing, and enhance the evaluation of student understanding. Traditional assessments often rely on ‘selected’ responses, such as multiple-choice questions, which may not accurately measure a student’s knowledge compared to ‘constructed’ responses, where students complete an interactive task. These Constructed Response items, also known as Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs), offer a more accurate gauge of student understanding, foster more engaging learning experiences, and minimize the impact of guessing.

edaptAI provides a comprehensive and continually growing collection of over 60 prebuilt TEI formats and interactive elements, encouraging designers to favor constructed responses over selected responses in their course content.

Our research into Constructed Response, inspired by ‘Construction versus Choice in Cognitive Measurement’ by Bennett, R. E. (1993), is rooted in the science of learning.                     

Prevent Generative-AI assisted cheating

Our interactive formats and constructed response items enable designers to develop assessments that require unique student generated answers.”                              

a white and blue background with squares

Interactive Items

Require "constructed" instead of "selected" responses.

a blue circle with a question mark on it

Deeper Questions

Challenge students to analyze the question content in order to respond.

a blue cloud and a white cloud

Copy Protection

Prevent the ease of copying question stems to ask GenAI for an answer.


Our thoughts

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A computer screen with a picture of a computer screen on it.