edaptAI emerges from stealth to revolutionize learning with AI

Written by

Edapt Team

Published on

November 12, 2018

San Jose, CA, November 12, 2018 — edaptAI, the world's first mastery-based adaptive learning platform, today announced its official launch after years in stealth development. Powered by artificial intelligence, edaptAI aims to revolutionize learning by providing continuous adaptivity, just-in-time remediation and on-going assessment to optimize outcomes for every student.

"For too long, students have suffered through one-size-fits-all education that fails to meet them where they are," said Bharat Kumar, CEO of edapt Technologies Inc. "Our AI-powered platform finally makes it possible to provide each student with a truly personalized path to mastery."

Continuous Adaptivity Tailors Learning to Each Student

Contrary to numerous adaptive learning tools that depend on outdated teaching methods and multiple-choice evaluations, edaptAI utilizes technology-augmented interactive constructed response items and mastery-oriented pedagogy to gauge proficiency based on every interaction. This allows the platform to continuously update learning pathways in real-time to match the evolving needs of each individual.

"Students receive the specific remediation and reinforcement they need to shore up weaknesses and accelerate strengths," explained Kumar. "This precision targeting at scale is only possible with the power of AI."

Instructors gain unprecedented visibility into student progress through edaptAI's rich dashboards. Armed with actionable insights, they can provide timely interventions and fine-tune instructional design as needed.

"For the first time, we have the data and tools to guarantee learning outcomes, not just assess them after the fact," said Kumar. "This is the future vision we are working to realize."

Transforming Education for the Digital Age

After years developing its technology in close collaboration with leading researchers from Stanford University, edaptAI is now opening up its platform to institutions everywhere.

As part of its public launch, edaptAI is offering special access pricing for early adopters. To learn more or request a demo, visit https://www.edapt.ai or contact info@edapt.ai.

About edaptAI (edapt Technologies Inc.)

edapt Technologies Inc., based in San Jose, CA, is a leading provider of mastery-based adaptive learning solutions. Its AI-powered solution, edaptAI, provides continuous adaptivity, ongoing assessment, and personalized remediation to optimize learning outcomes for every student. To learn more, visit https://www.edapt.ai.